Thursday 13 May 2010

Fat Loss 4 Idiots -- Are You An "Idiot" For Believing This

By Brad Howard

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a program that "guarantees" you'll lose 9 lbs in 11 days. However, most experts agree that weight loss of over 2 lbs in a week is harmful to your health. Who's right?

But mostly, does this program even come close to working?

Well, I'll tell you... I obviously had my doubts. Think about it, every day people are bombarded with promises over this weight loss plan or that weight loss plan... this pill or that pill.

Fortunately, there are people like me to help you sort through the nonsense.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims that by rotating your meals and your nutrient ratios, you'll be able to effectively reduce your waistline without jeopardizing your metabolism.

Keeping your metabolism running at a high rate is important for any fat loss program. Any one that tells you differently is off their rocker.

After observing the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program, I can relay a few "key" observations.

Number 1 -- At the beginning, this program will help you get rid of "junk" weight. By that, I mean the weight that sticks to an individual based on lingering toxins in the body. In effect, the first week has a bit of a "cleansing" effect - not unlike some of the diets that rely on cleansing products. For many people, this can be quite important as many of these toxins can impair daily life. Successful "cleansing" means a better feeling for yourself on a day to day basis. It's a good thing.

Number 2 -- Much of the weight loss due to this program in the beginning will be water weight, which in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. With many people having such a high daily sodium intake, bloat is an extremely common problem, even if most people don't even know that they are that way. Also, due to the limited amount of carbs (even though is isn't technically a low carb diet), water weight will also be lost due to the loss of glycogen in the body.

Number 3 -- Finally, the way the program really shines really has nothing to do with the program at all. It's the fact that getting someone to actually be accountable for what they put in their mouths goes a long way for most people's understanding. This in itself is the most important thing that Fat Loss 4 Idiots offers - accountability.

For these reasons, I can honestly say that even though it seems that Fat Loss 4 Idiots may seem like a ridiculous program with outlandish claims, most people would do well to give it a try. In fact, for roughly 27 bucks for 3 weeks, it's a drop in the bucket for most.

Brad Howard's Stone Cold Truth delves into the "meat and potatoes" of all of the misinformation generated by the diet and fitness industry today. If you are looking to jump all over Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you can do that here. However, make sure to read about the special bonuses should you decide to order - "The Secret" to Weight Loss and "Health Club Secrets".

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Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Diet Solution Program - Why It's Your Choice

By Robin Welsley

Those who are in tune with my advice and suggestions and who are familiar with my writings are well aware that I am an advocate of losing weight and maintaining it through natural means rather than "quick-fix" methods. As far as I am concerned, when one is committed to a lifestyle that promotes good health and vitality, the concept of weight loss need not exist.

Given that, it's likely that you, the reader, may be on a mission of discovering a method that will guarantee your success once you adopt proven strategies that are in line with long-term optimal health. Since I am well aware of the fact that thousands and thousands of advertisers do whatever they can to get their products in front of you, it is not my aim to lead you in a direction that would have you falling victim to much of the nonsense you may be asked to subscribe to. Therefore, I can only provide you with facts based on my personal experience along with my insights gained throughout the years so as to allow you to make your own educated decisions.

Since long-term success resulting from sensible lifestyle choices is the only approach worth considering, I would make it known as an option for you to consider what is available through The Diet Solution program. One thing you will learn for yourself regarding this program is that it is complete, comprehensive, and places its focus not only on losing body fat, but it also guarantees you increased energy, health, and vitality.

For your review, a good taste of the program is available via a free eBook entitled "Fat Loss Jumpstart" which not only provides you with an overview of the program's concept but provides meal plans, recipes you'll find irresistible, and a video that will convince you that making the decision to opt for The Diet Solution as your means for achieving your weight loss goal will not necessarily deprive you of some of those fatty foods that you have grown to love. Put simply, if you take advantage of that free eBook, you'll know in advance that you're in for the experience of a lifetime. But again, as you know, I always promote the fact that you are the one making your own decisions. I believe strongly that adopting a mindset which operates from a platform of self-responsibility is non-negotiable.

Since I strongly feel that incorporating healthy strategies into your day-to-day living is an absolute essential, what I particularly love about this The Diet Solution program is that it gets you to do just that. When it's time to cook, you're provided with the recipes. When it's time to go shopping, you're given the shopping list. This program lacks nothing, with the exception of you and your choice to adopt its winning ways.

Especially notable is that nutrition and exercise expert Isabel De Los Rios presents you with facts that you otherwise are not likely to discover on your own, due to the extensive research that would be necessary to uncover what is revealed in this program. In addition, hard to find information has been deciphered, supplemented with expertise, and reduced to language that anyone can understand.

Warning: much of what you are about to learn in The Diet Solution program is not your average "run of the mill" information you'll find in textbooks, videos, or even at the doctor's office. Don't take my word for it, but don't be surprised if, after spending a little time with this system, you're in a position to educate your own doctor to a degree. However, you're apt to put a smile on your doctor's face. After all, what medical practitioner would have a problem with learning of a patient's optimal blood sugar levels, lowered cholesterol, and increased energy?

As comprehensive as the The Diet Solution program is, don't worry about having to get through it all to put everything into practice. You can and will enjoy the benefits rather quickly. But, again, you'll find all of this out for yourself and at no risk. You see, Isabel has put it all on the line. She has made it all available to you - her expertise, meal plans, delicious recipes, and more - it either leads you to a lifetime strategy for optimal health or you get your money back. What could be better?

In closing, I would like to say that, whatever you decide as you continue on your journey, don't put anything or anyone higher on the pedestal than yourself when it comes to knowing what is right for you. Although I strongly feel that you'll soon see that The Diet Solution is a program you'll wish you had been exposed to a long time ago, I also have ample respect for the individual and the right of free choice. As you pursue your goals, please always remember that self-respect and self-responsibility are first and foremost when it comes to your living a life of passion.

Robin Welsley is a health and fitness enthusiast who is committed to sharing the insights of a major personal breakthrough experience with others when it comes to overcoming the challenges of weight loss and overall good health. Learn how to lose weight naturally and enjoy high energy and vitality with The Diet Solution. Get your FREE copy of "FAT LOSS JUMPSTART" by visiting this link

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Saturday 13 February 2010

Not Losing Weight - Top 10 Reasons Why You're Not

We all need and want to get into better physical shape. For the majority of us, "getting into better shape" means losing that extra weight. All the leading health experts tell us that in order to lose weight we need to eat less and workout more. But what exactly does "Eating less and Working out more" entail for the average person? We can go to the gym for hours and eat all our greens yet not even lose a pound. Eventually any person can get frustrated, blame it on a weak metabolism and then give up entirely. I feel that frustration! I used to feel the same way until I learned what I was doing wrong. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes and finally lose that extra weight!

So here are the top 10 reasons I have found for why most people are not losing weight:


This may seem obvious, but unless you are tracking your calories each day you may be eating more than you think. The average female caloric intake should be between 1500-2000 calories a day depending on factors such as age, metabolism, height, and lifestyle and for a male the number jumps up to 2,500-3,000 calories a day.

Most of the meals we eat have enough calories to feed several people and that goes double for anytime we eat out. Just for your information - most restaurants now put calorie information on their websites and let me just say sometimes it is a real shocker when you find out that your favorite dish at your favorite restaurant uses up all of your allowed calories for the entire day.

For example, one of my favorite restaurants is Cheesecake Factory and anytime I go there I always get the Crusted Chicken Romano and I substitute the spaghetti for vegetables.

* Crusted Chicken Romano: 1,610 Calories. (In this case a serving size is one breast but some places you have to be careful as they change the serving size to make the number look smaller!)
* Side of Sautéed Spinach: 100 Calories.
* Total of 1,710 calories. I am a guy, and still that is almost half my daily allowable caloric intake in one meal! If I didn't substitute the spaghetti, it would've been well over 2,000 calories.

If you're really serious about losing weight, you need to get serious about your eating correctly. Start by keeping a detailed food journal for one week, without changing any of your eating habits. Be as specific as possible and add up your calories for each day. You'll be surprised how those calories can sneak in when you're not keeping track.


Liquid calories from alcohol, smoothies, coffee with cream and sugar, sweetened juices, teas, and sodas can really deter your weight loss goals. A recent study found that a staggering 37% of most Americans' calories came from beverages! Most beverages are loaded with sugar or fat.

When you drink beverages, you don't compensate the calories by eating less food. Most beverages quench your thirst and do not affect hunger.

Switch from high calorie beverages to water, club soda, skim milk, and unsweetened tea. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation, and choose the light beer or less calorie laden mixers.

Here are some calorie counts for common beverages:

* 16 oz Rockstar: 280 Calories 62g Sugar
* 14 oz Starbucks Frappuccino: 290 Calories 46g Sugar
* 20 oz Starbucks Venti 2% Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha: 660 Calories 22g Fat 95g Sugar
* 12 oz Guinness Draught Beer: 126 Calories
* 12 oz Soda: 150 Calories


Take out the "s" in fast food and it would be more fitting. This is primarily, hands down, the worst kind of food you can eat when you are trying to lose weight! Fast food is loaded with calories but very little nutrition. When we eat fast food, it spikes our insulin levels which promote fat storage. Fast food companies remove the nutrients and replace it with salt, sugar and fat to not only increase the shelf life, but to increase their profits.

Studies have shown that salt, sugar and fat together triggers the brain's "reward" system releasing dopamine; very similar to cocaine or heroin making us slaves to our cravings.


Out of sight, out of mind, out of mouth! You have heard it before, if you are serious about losing weight it takes more than a diet; it takes a life style change. This is a life style change. Take all the junk food out of your house and throw it away. 100% of losing weight is will power and not many of us have the will power to make the correct eating decisions when we are hungry. Potato chips are a more appealing snack than hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese or raisins. So help yourself by getting rid of the junk food and loading up on the healthy foods so when you do snack, it will be a healthy snack.


Stress is a major contributor to weight gain as well as a lack of weight loss. Chronic stress can increase production of cortisol, a powerful hormone which increases appetite, weakens the immune system, releases insulin as well as promote fat storage around the abdominal region. Over long periods of time, Cortisol secretion can contribute to weight gain, Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many other health ailments. Stress is something that we will never be able to get rid of but we all need to find ways to and reduce stress. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes a day to relax or meditate, scheduling a massage, cutting down on work hours, listening to your favorite music artist or laughing with friends. A wonderful book that I highly recommend is "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff and its...All Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson.

TIP: Proper nutrition, Omega 3, Vitamin C and Tea can help reduce stress and block cortisol production.


The very basics of losing weight are burning more calories than you eat. The rule of thumb is - To lose one pound a week you need a caloric deficit of 3500 which equates to about 500 calories a day. You can achieve this by either eating less food or burning more calories but to maximize it you have to do both.

Many people have the misconception that the longer you are at the gym the more calories you are going to burn. It doesn't work like that. You can be at the gym for 2 hours and barely break a sweat and burn the same amount of calories as someone who is going hard for 30 minutes.

You have to work hard if you want to change the shape of your body and if you are a beginner that does not mean you sprint as hard as you can for 30 minutes and then max out on weights. There is nothing that will break your drive faster than pushing yourself past your limits. If you want to lose weight and stay motivated, know that it is a gradual climb. A good indicator of progress is sweat. Your heart rate should be up and you should be sweating, but it should not be so high where you cannot talk. The best is a balance of medium-high intensity cardio exercise along with challenging free weight workouts.


Almost everyone reaches a weight loss plateau at some point. As your body adapts to your workouts, it gets harder and harder to lose those last few pounds. Your body is made to adapt to almost any situation and that, unfortunately, includes your work outs. Over a period of weeks or months your body becomes more efficient at working out and, therefore, doesn't expend as many calories doing it. If you don't change your workout routine, your progress will slow down and eventually stop.


Doing the same workouts over and over.

* Your body needs to be challenged in order to progress, so make sure you're changing some part of your program every 4-6 weeks. It could be something as simple as changing the order of your workout, intensity, or duration but for better results it's best to change your entire workout.

Not eating enough calories.

* If your body doesn't have enough fuel to sustain your level of activity, you can actually stop losing weight. Your body needs calories, especially protein to build muscle (also burns fat) and carbohydrates for energy to get through a strenuous workout. It's best to stick to lean protein or protein powders and slow burning carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


* If muscles are not given enough time to recover before another workout is repeated then the muscles progressively become smaller. For weight loss this means a gradual decline in lean tissue, thus lowering your metabolism. Solution - do not work out the same body parts on consecutive days. After a workout you need to rest those muscles for 1 to 2 days in order for them to fully recover. I would suggest not doing cardio more than 3 times a week and lifting the same body part more than 2 times a week. This allows your body plenty of time to rest.


In the recent study, Sleep Linked to Weight Gain the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that twins who slept less than 7 hours or more than 9 hours a night were more likely to gain weight than their identical twin that slept 7-8.9 hours a night.

The body repairs itself when you are resting and lack of sleep puts stress on your body. When you continually deprive your body of sleep it releases our old "friend" cortisol. Too much cortisol in the body causes the release of insulin which promotes fat storage.

Getting enough sleep is crucial if you are trying to lose weight, not just because of how it affects you physically, but mentally as well. Lack of sleep makes you cranky, confused and can even make you feel depressed or angry and all of it can eliminate your motivation to go to the gym.

Make sleep a priority by trying to get to bed at the same time each night, shooting for about 7-8 hours, if possible. Having some bedtime rituals such as a hot bath or reading a book can help you unwind before bed.


Do your food products consist of massive amounts of labels reading "Healthy", "Lean", "Diet", or "Low carb"? These buzz words don't mean anything unless we look at the bigger picture. Many of these companies will lower the sodium, reduce the carbohydrates or remove the fat in order to satisfy their legal obligation, but will turn around and load it up with sugar or other unnatural products to make it taste better so we keep feeding our addiction and consume empty calories. Also, be very wary of the "serving size", many companies can make nutrition facts appear "healthy" by just reducing the serving size.

The best and most nutritious type of food are located on the outer walls of the grocery store in product section, meat department and dairy freezer. If you must buy processed foods you must look at the nutritional facts. Especially with frozen foods or prepared foods, be wary of: serving size, sodium content, sugar, carbohydrates, calories and calories from fat. You want to make sure that it is no more than what you would want had you prepared the meal yourself.


Break the fast, meaning you have not eaten in hours and your body is getting low on "fuel." You need to get food in your body to get your metabolism jump started again.

Research shows that breakfast skippers weigh more than breakfast eaters. There is a misconception that skipping breakfast or any meal saves calories. In reality, most people who skip meals are so famished that they end up snacking on junk or end up binge eating.

Strive for five small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism high and your insulin levels stable so you are not tempted to binge eat or head for the nearest vending machine. Always start your day with a healthy breakfast, but be careful and choose wisely.

A healthy breakfast should contain both protein and fiber. People who start the day with a protein-rich breakfast consume 200 fewer calories a day than those who eat a carb-heavy breakfast and fiber helps you feel full longer.

Your breakfast should consist of oatmeal, lean protein like fish, eggs, chicken and fruits.


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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Tips on Bee Pollen Weight Loss

There are several studies that have been conducted on bee pollen weight loss. While none of these studies show conclusive results, it is widely believed that bee pollen weight loss can be attributed to the powerful nutrients and vitamins that are necessary for human life.

How Does Bee Pollen Weight Loss Work?

Bee pollen weight loss is believed to operate under the pretense that once your body is fed the proper nutrients and vitamins it requires, that your body can heal itself of most any affliction you may have. Included in this group is weight loss.

Bee pollen weight loss works in such a manner that the individual takes two capsules, tablets or granules before a meal. When your body is properly fed the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs, it provides the body with a sense of being full after a meal is consumed.

Bee pollen is the oldest health food known to man so it isn't surprising that most of our ancestors weren't overweight. Bee pollen weight loss was affecting them and they had no knowledge of it. Okay, so it wasn't a direct result of bee pollen but that was in the day when fields were not sprayed with pesticides and fertilizers. Most food was completely organic and because we rarely, if ever have that option in today's world, it is imperative that we add it to our diets.

Bee Pollen Weight Loss and Ingredients

Bee pollen weight loss and the ingredients discovered within this medical miracle are just abundant in amino acids. There are twenty-two essential amino acids found in bee pollen. There are also eight of the essential ones that are not often even found in high protein foods.

Bee pollen contains twenty-seven mineral salts, the full assortment of vitamins, hormones, fats and more than 5, 000 enzymes and co-enzymes. These enzymes are particularly important in that they promote the breakdown of digestion. It also aids in the process of healing broken bones and torn tissue in the body. All of these ingredients are essential in the active roll that bee pollen weight loss provides.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen.

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